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Logo symbolism

The UPA logo symbolizes three hands joined together to representing the fact that our organization developed thanks to the power of solidarity and cooperation among men, women, and the organizations that support us.

The three hands also represent the three components of the UPA: the unions, the federations and the Executive. Finally, they also symbolize the hands of those who work to feed the land and feed the people.

UPA is written in a bold letters in a sans-serif font for clarity and legibility wherever the logo is used.

Together, the shapes and letters create a coherent whole that projects wealth, the power of collective action, and the UPA’s unique spirit of camaraderie.

The farming world is one of constant change. That’s why we decided in 2014 to define a fresh and unifying image that would be faithful to the UPA’s values and mission. The new visual identity contains a signature tagline along with the existing UPA symbol: POUVOIR NOURRIR, POUVOIR GRANDIR—the power to feed, the power to grow.